Church Giving: Digital Strategies for Modern Ministry
You know that modernizing your church giving options is a good idea. Branching out into new ways of accepting donations is a surefire way to increase giving to your church. The average online gift amounts to $120, compared to only $80 through traditional means.
But where do you start? What should your strategy look like? Let’s take a look at some ways your ministry can get the most out of digital giving.
Give the People What They Want
Determine which methods of giving your parishioners would find valuable. Are they more likely to visit your website and give online? Would they prefer to use their mobile phone to donate? Keep the needs and wants of your members in mind while you decide which options to pursue.
Keep passing the offering plate. Adding new options doesn’t mean you have to turn your back on your traditions. Keep everyone happy. Ensure that you are covering all bases so no one is left out when it’s time to give.
The truth is that many people, both young and old, enjoy incorporating the Internet and mobile phones into their daily lives. Whether they find the technology useful or just enjoy playing with their fancy modern toys, online and mobile giving has an audience in your church. You might be surprised by how many members hop on board as soon as you offer these options.
Communicate Church Giving Options
If you want your parishioners to get on board and actually use these fancy new giving options, you have to let them know the options exist. Make announcements during service. Explain how the online giving or church app works. Encourage them to make a donation using these new mediums. Remind them every week.
Additionally, make sure your digital giving options are listed on your website. Post about them on social media. The more available the information is to your members, the better.
Cut Costs
In a survey conducted by Tyndale University College & Seminary, 30.6% of churches blamed inadequate budget for holding back on implementing technology.
To get the most bang for your buck, save as much money as possible. After all, your end goal is to increase church giving from your members, not spend all of the money you already have.
Rather than using your own funds to develop church technology, rely on those who have already put in the investment. Find low priced or free church giving apps and online solutions. Without spending much money at all, you can sign up for great modern ways of accepting church donations.
One last strategy that will bring you success in the long run is to focus on the security of whatever church giving technology you use. Your members care most about two things: ease of use and safety. If they don’t feel safe using your app or online form, they may not give to your ministry at all.
Make user security a priority. Use a trusted product with no history of security issues. Your churchgoers will be put at ease, and that will lead to more donations.