Givelify at North American Christian Convention 2015
Team Givelify attended North American Christian Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio last week. The event, which ran from June 23-26 and featured notable speakers like Mike Baker, Jodi Hickerson, Rusty George, and Sean Palmer, brought thousands of people together from across the country.
While on location, we had the pleasure of demonstrating the Givelify mobile giving app for many new faces. We also were happy to see some of our local Indianapolis area friends, including familiar faces from Bluebridge and Fishhook.
During the convention, we asked some passersby who had made a donation using Givelify to tell us what they think of our mobile giving app. As you will see in the following video, they had a lot of positive things to say:
Stephen Moore, Intern at 91st St Christian Church
It was really kind of cool and it was easy and I enjoyed it. We don’t carry checkbooks around and most of us don’t even carry cash around. A lot of us use our debit card. Apple Pay, that kind of thing is what my generation’s starting to use and get into, so this makes sense and goes along with that.
Dave Hess, Financial Planning Ministry
There’s a lot of younger families in our church who don’t necessarily do tithes and offerings all the time, like older folks are typically accustomed to doing. I think this is a great way to get them to take that opportunity, maybe spur-of-the-moment, when somebody’s out on vacation and they’ve missed the chance to turn an offering in on Sunday.
Marissa Lung, High School Student
I don’t carry any cash on me. All I have is my debit card. I don’t write checks; it’s just something, you know — we learned it in grade school, but we’re not going to use it now. I think we’re interested in giving, it’s just — we aren’t given the opportunities to, because we usually don’t have the cash or we don’t have the money with us at the time. I think it would be a great way for me to give back to my church or churches around me.