How To Fundraise for Your Nonprofit
Are you having trouble keeping your supporters interested in giving? Have you seen decreasing numbers where you’d like to see them grow? How can you put some spring in the step of your fundraising? Follow these steps and you’ll see your nonprofit donations increase in no time.
Get the Givelify App
Have you noticed how important mobile devices have become in our daily lives? We use them not only to communicate, but to check the weather, shop, and deposit money in the bank. Just about any task can be accomplished using a smartphone these days — and that includes nonprofit fundraising.
If you aren’t on board to accept mobile nonprofit donations, now is the perfect time to start. With the Givelify app, your donors can give any amount, any time, anywhere. They don’t need to remember to carry cash, and they don’t need to send a check in the mail. They can simply pull out their phone and give.
Add the Online Giving Widget
Once you have a Givelify account for mobile donations, you can also use the same account for online giving.
Spread the Word via Email and Social Media
With both mobile and online giving set up for your nonprofit, now it’s time to tell the world. Don’t miss an opportunity to request donations. If you send out an email newsletter, include a link to your Givelify app. Talk about your new giving options on Facebook and Twitter. Keep your supporters informed of how they can give to your cause.
Use the Resources on the Givelify Launchpad
To have as much success with your Givelify account as possible, look through our informative Launchpad website. We have compiled everything you will need to know about using Givelify, and have provided materials that you can use to help get the word out to your donors.