Using Givelify for Random Acts of Mobile Giving Kindness
Sometimes it seems the only news we get is bad news (or fake news). Fortunately there’s an easy way to put a little bit of positivity into the world. Chances are you’re reading this on the very device that can help you do just that: your smartphone. The Givelify mobile giving app is a simple, beautiful way to do good, one small donation at a time.
Bring Joy In the Unexpected
You’ve probably heard stories about Starbucks customers paying for the order of the person behind them in line. Buying a random stranger coffee is certainly kind, but what if you could give an unexpected gift to a nonprofit organization?
You may already use Givelify to make offerings to your place of worship. But did you know you can do more? And of course, it’s as easy as a few taps — the same mobile giving experience you already know and love.
At the top of the app, tap “Nearby.” Then at the bottom, tap “Charities.” Every Givelify member nonprofit within two miles will appear in the app with their logo. Keep in mind that charities with the standard gray “ribbon” logo aren’t yet Givelify members, so they can’t accept donations (although you can invite them to sign up from right within the app).
I just tried it myself, and I found seven member charities within two miles of our office including:
- Pack the Pantries (the city-wide hunger relief program)
- Indianapolis Public Schools Education Foundation
- Second Helpings (food rescue and culinary arts training)
- Indianapolis Urban League
- Dig IN (local food and agriculture)
- Indy Eleven Soccer Foundation (soccer and fitness programs for under-served youth)
- Child Advocates (Indy CASA – court appointed special advocates for children in the state of Indiana)
You can also view organizations on a map centered on your location, which looks like this:
Scroll through and find a charity that interests you and make a small donation. You’ll feel good about yourself knowing that you helped a deserving organization in your community. That organization will automatically be saved in your Favorites list, so you can easily find them again with just a tap if you want to donate to them again.
This feature works no matter where you are. If you’re traveling for work or vacation and you see a commercial for animal rescue, pull up your Givelify mobile giving app and show nearby charities. You’ll probably find a local animal shelter to which you can make a spontaneous gift. Maybe you’re walking to work and pass a homeless person on the street and you have no cash. You can help by looking for nearby relief agencies and making a donation on-the-go.
Mobile Giving Is Good for You
Random acts of kindness have proven health benefits. According to the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, these acts release the hormone oxytocin (the “love” hormone) which has been shown to lower blood pressure and aid in heart health. Kindness decreases anxiety, stress, pain, and depression, among other physical and mental health benefits.
Kindness is also teachable. If you have children, you can use these random donations as a way to teach them about getting into the habit of generosity. By modeling this spontaneous giving behavior, your kids will learn how to make a difference in the world around them–anytime, anywhere.
Put Some Good Into the World Today
Open your Givelify app, look around at nearby charities, and make a small donation today. Even if it’s just a few dollars you might’ve otherwise spent on yet another coffee, you’ll surprise an organization with a donation they didn’t have to ask for, and you’ll feel good about yourself. Who knows? You may inspire more random acts of kindness from those around you.