What You Missed In Mobile Giving for Mar. 2
Many of us hunkered down to avoid the snow over the weekend. Maybe you took the opportunity to unplug for a while and enjoy family time. The world of fundraising technology and mobile giving kept on rolling, though. Here’s some of what you may have missed while you were going sledding.
All of these articles are from the Givelify Mobile Giving Weekly. Subscribe now to get it delivered to your email inbox so you don’t miss a thing.
Awareness Campaigns & Mobile: Why They Are A Match Made In Heaven
Awareness campaigns are a pretty common event among most nonprofits. Whether it is an awareness day, week or month, there is an awareness campaign for pretty much everything. Are people really more motivated to partake in something because it has great exposure? Well, if I have learned anything from the NFL’s Pink October and ALS’ Ice Bucket Challenge campaigns, it is an unequivocal YES! How can you as a nonprofit leader use this momentum to help increase participation from your supporters not only during the awareness campaign but all year long too?
Awareness campaigns take a serious amount of planning and implementation. You work hard year-round to make yours a great success. Like most organizations, you are probably looking for a way to maximize your efforts. As we see mobile become increasingly more effective for engagement and communication, incorporating mobile into your awareness campaign might be the right move.
How Much Time Social Media Requires for Fundraising Success
The amount of time that a nonprofit can invest in mobile and social media depends on capacity. Small nonprofits that are not in a position to hire a part- or full-time new media manager should limit themselves to one or two social networks and place the highest priority on their website, email communications, and online fundraising campaigns.
Mobile and social media are powerful, but when implemented on a small scale, the power is overshadowed by other more traditional online campaigns. Often small nonprofits try to be active on more than two social networks by sharing the responsibility among staff.
While this is possible, it does require a concerted effort and cooperation among all staff that content be distributed effectively and consistently. There still should be one person who is given the directive to research and then communicate best practices as they evolve to other participating staff.
Read more on Nonprofit Tech for Good
Givelify at Changes Can Happen: Summit Conversations 2015
This week Givelify was pleased to present at Changes Can Happen: Summit Conversations 2015. Held at the exclusive Sanctuary on Camelback Mountain resort in Scottsdale, Arizona, the week-long event drew pastors and lay church leaders from across the country.
Changes Can Happen is a project of Dr. Walter Thomas Scott of New Psalmist Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland. The group holds several meetings throughout the year to give pastors and lay leaders a chance to discuss and learn about leadership, goal setting, and other vital skills.
Givelify was invited to present at this event to help introduce our mobile giving app for churches and nonprofits. Attendees included Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop Dale C. Bronner and Dr. John Townsend of the Townsend Institute.
Pastor William H. Curtis (Mt. Ararat Baptist Church), Pastor Raymond Walker (Greater Paradise Worship Center), and Odell Dickerson (COO, New Psalmist Baptist Church) voiced their support for Givelify, as you’ll see in this short video.
Read more on the Givelify blog
New Mobile App for Eco-conscious Consumers Funded by Google, Facebook, Amazon
In an insightful study by Google called “Mobile In-Store Research,” it was revealed that as many as 84 percent of smartphone shoppers use their devices to help shop while in the store. Almost a similar number of shoppers use mobile search to help make purchase decisions, according to Google.
Now, a new purchasing app called OpenLabel will allow consumers to receive product sustainability information and crowd-sourced user opinions by swiping barcodes. OpenLabel has received financial backing of $500,000 from online market leaders Google, Facebook and Amazon. The new app can influence the shopping behavior of eco-conscious consumers who can instantly decipher product labels at the point of purchase.
The Quest For Social Justice Goes Mobile
From protests demanding democracy and justice to the rise in citizen journalism and documentation of police encounters, the year 2014 has been a year of mobilized action—mobile being the operative word. In light of civil unrest in politically charged places including Ferguson, Missouri, New York City, Hong Kong, and Mexico, a new genre of platforms and apps designed to bring underreported acts of injustice to the forefront are making their way into the hands of demonstrators across the globe.
Without any entertainment or e-commerce features, these tools may not make it to the top of iTunes, but they could help save lives. At the very least, if deployed and used properly, they’ll provide valuable data for governments, activists and the media. Here are three social justice tools designed to help citizens protect themselves and their communities.