Monday Mobile Giving Roundup for Jan. 12
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Each Monday we highlight the top five stories from last week in the Monday Mobile Giving Roundup.
To Build or Not Build an App: Should It Be a Question for Your Nonprofit?
If you work for a nonprofit and are thinking about building an app, you’re already on the right track in many ways: There are many “mobile first” evangelists who believe that the mobile user should be the first and main target when creating any digital experience, in spite of potential drawbacks and missed testing opportunities.
Even though 58 percent of American adults own a smartphone, it is important to consider the purpose of a proposed app before building it. Here are my three considerations before deciding to build an app.
13 Essential iOS Apps for Pastors in 2015
A pastor rarely has one job in a church and often has to wear many hats at different times. Sometimes it’s mentoring people, other times it’s preaching, and sometimes it’s plain old organizing members of the staff. Obviously, this can require a wide range of tools to make sure you can get everything done.
Although this is not a complete list of apps, you may need something very specific, it is a good starting point.
Here are 13 essential iOS apps for pastors.
3 Ways Technology Can Grow Your Nonprofit Fundraising Reach
Mobile technology is not only new and exciting, but it can have a strong positive impact on your nonprofit fundraising efforts. Using mobile giving apps and other modern means to accept donations is a great way to reach more potential donors and make an even bigger impact in your community.
Many nonprofit organizations focus their fundraising efforts on those who have given the most donations in the past: older adults. But ignoring the up-and-coming generations, such as the Millennials, is not a good idea. This overlooked group is an untapped resource for nonprofit donations. You just have to adjust your message to draw them in.
Read more on the Givelify blog
Protect Church Computers from Ransomware
A new category of malware is called ransomware because it holds your files for ransom. And it doesn’t matter if you’re on a Windows or Mac computer. Some ransomware encrypts files and some only locks files.
In either case, you can’t get to your data unless you pay a fee, which may or may not work. Protecting from such malware and having a plan in case an infection gets through to data is essential for every church.
Read more on Church Law and Tax
Why Mobile Payments Adoption Has Been Slow – And Why That’s About to Change
Why are consumers still reluctant to adopt mobile payments? Security concerns are the number one roadblock. The ongoing litany of high-profile retailers whose customer data has been stolen strikes fear into the hearts of consumers, who are then unlikely to wholeheartedly place their trust in mobile payment technology.
Yet trust is exactly what’s needed in order for the technology to experience widespread adoption. The EMV (EuroPay, Mastercard, Visa) card has been developed with a secure microchip for transmitting data, but it is a physical asset. The trick is to create a parallel level of security in the virtual world.