3 Roadblocks To Church Donations
Your ministry relies on the financial support of your congregation in order to take care of operating expenses. Their offerings directly contribute toward the success of your place of worship. But is your organization receiving all of its potential church donations? Make sure none of these road blocks are standing in the way of your growth.
Not Providing a Mobile Option for Church Donations
When you look across the congregation before services begin in your place of worship, what do you see? Aside from the few who are still greeting one another before taking their seats, you likely see a sea of faces buried in their phones. Your members are checking their email, checking in to your church on Facebook, or sending one last text message before worship starts.
This is common in today’s society, where people are more connected to their mobile devices than ever. According to BiznessApps:
258 million people in the U.S. own a mobile phone
Every day, Americans spend 174 minutes on mobile devices
80% of Millennials keep their phone with them at all times
The members of your church, both young and old, likely have a phone with them during service. And while they are armed with mobile devices, they may not have cash or checks on their person. If you only accept church donations in these forms, how are those without them going to give? If you don’t give them another way to give, you could miss out on their church donations altogether.
Not Promoting Your Church Giving Options
If your organization does offer more modern methods of making church donations, that will go a long way toward increasing giving. But if your members don’t know that you have these options, they won’t be able to take advantage of the handy technology.
To let your churchgoers know about every giving method you offer, share the information on your website, in your emails, in your bulletin, and on social media. Any time you communicate with your members, educate them on the options available for making church donations. This will ensure that they know exactly how to give in the way that best fits their needs.
Not Including Online Giving Buttons in Communications
While promoting your giving options, why not give your members the opportunity to give right then and there? Include an online giving button or link in all of your communications. This will enable your churchgoers to give as soon as they feel led to do so. They won’t have to wait until service. As soon as they open your email, or see your post on Facebook, they can click a direct link and make an offering on the spot.
This benefits your church for obvious reasons, but it is also a great convenience for your members. They will love having the ability to give right away, no matter where they happen to be. Plus, they will no longer have to remember to bring cash or a checkbook to service, because they can give right from their phone.
With these roadblocks out of your way, your place of worship will see an increase in church donations in no time.