Complete Your New Year’s Resolution With a Mobile Giving App
When was the last time you followed through on a New Year’s Resolution? Did you make it a few months — or only a few days? Many of us struggle to stick to our resolutions. But if your resolution is to increase church giving this year, using a mobile giving app can help you accomplish your goal.
Giving While Not Present In Church
As the year progresses, more and more excuses will pull members away from your church. When the weather’s cold, people will get snowed in or catch the flu. When the weather’s warm, they will travel out of state for a family reunion or vacation.
How can you make good on your resolution when members aren’t in church to give? The solution is simple: let them give while they’re away.
By accepting offerings using a mobile giving app, you enable your parishioners to give from wherever they happen to be. They don’t have to be physically present during service in order to make an offering. You won’t have to miss out on any donations due to absence.
A Mobile Giving App Lets People Use Their Phones
How often are you without your smartphone? Chances are, you keep your device with you almost all the time — if you ever put it away at all. You aren’t alone. According to a study by Bank of America:
85% of those surveyed check their smartphone at least a few times a day
35% check their mobile device constantly
47% couldn’t go more than one day without their phone
Your churchgoers are just as attached to their phones. It may even bother you to look out over the congregation during service and see their eyes fixated on their devices. But with a mobile giving app, you can put their fixation toward meeting your new year’s resolution.
During service, remind your members to give using your mobile giving app. Since they already have their phones in hand, they can easily open the app and give on the spot.
No Excuse To Not Give
Whatever the reason for not making an offering — whether it be a lack of cash on hand, a lost checkbook, or an absence from church — a mobile giving app solves it. Your parishioners can still give using their phone, no matter what.
No more excuses. No more missed opportunities. Thanks to a mobile giving app, your New Year’s Resolution is within reach.