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Faith Leaders 3min read

Think Your Members Don’t Want a Church Giving App? Think Again.

Are you holding off on using a church giving app because you believe your parishioners have no interest in using the technology? You may not know your members as well as you think.

Giving Outside of Church With a Church Giving App

You always see your members giving during service. That is one reason you aren’t interested in a church giving app. You already pass the offering plate. You may even have a card reader on hand or a kiosk in the lobby. When people visit your church, they have a variety of ways to give. You have all of your bases covered — right?

Actually, the reason your parishioners only give during service is because that is their only option. When places of worship open up the possibility of giving while outside the church, members are quick to shift their giving habits.

For example, 70% of Givelify donations that come from known locations are done outside of any church building. Only 58% of all Givelify donations, no matter the location, occur on Sundays. That means parishioners often use Givelify to donate when they are nowhere near a church service. They are no longer limited to Sunday morning on church property. They can, and do, give anywhere and anytime.

One and Done vs Repeat Giving

Perhaps you are under the impression that while people may be impressed with a church giving app at first, they will only use it a few times before reverting to other methods. Based on donor behavior with the Givelify app, that could not be further from the truth. In fact, Givelify users donate an average of twice a month, and they give an average of $100 during each use.

Once parishioners experience the added convenience of a church giving app, they are likely to keep using that method in the future.

The Benefits For Your Church

Now that you know that your churchgoers will make use of mobile giving technology, let’s discuss how it can benefit your ministry. Since members can give from anywhere at any time with a church giving app, you no longer have to miss out on offerings when people are away on vacation. When members have to stay home due to illness or bad weather, they can still send donations. Midweek donations will suddenly roll in that you otherwise would never receive.

Even the dreaded summer months, which usually bring a sharp decline in donations, can hurt a lot less with a church giving app. According to pastors who use Givelify, their church giving has increased from 20-30% since introducing the app to their congregations.

When those financial gifts that you normally would lose are deposited directly into your church bank account, you will finally understand the power of mobile giving.

About the Author

Allison has a passion for charitable giving and believes that small acts of kindness can make the world a better place. She uses her web content and social media expertise to guide churches and nonprofits through the mobile fundraising process.

Allison Weaver