Mobile Apps for Churches Beat Long Web Forms
Online giving is a great modern method for accepting offerings, but it often involves filling out long forms with personal information before a member can complete their donation. Why make your parishioners jump through hoops in order to give, when they could benefit from mobile apps for churches instead?
No One Likes Filling Out Forms
Whether you’re in the waiting room at the doctor’s office or completing an online transaction, no one enjoys filling out forms. Sometimes, these forms are a necessary evil. After all, how will the doctor know about your family medical history if you do not check the right boxes? How will they know how to contact you if they do not have your phone number?
When accepting donations at your church, some information is necessary. You want to know who is giving, the amount of their offering, and perhaps to which special fund they would like to direct their gift. But how much information is required on your online giving form? How many of these questions do you really need your members to answer in order to receive their offerings?
Your Members’ Time Is Valuable
Forms are important, but they do not need to be lengthy and time consuming. When you ask your parishioners to give, you do not want to tie up all of their time. They have places to go and things to do. They want to be able to give quickly and easily. The longer the form involved on your website, the less likely they will be to finish the giving process.
When it comes to online forms, fewer fields are better. Focus on the information you really need to have, and leave off the questions you don’t really need to have answered. By shortening the form in this way, you will increase the number of people who complete it. In fact, one website simply removed one field from a contact form and it resulted in 26% higher conversions.
Showing your members that you understand their time is valuable by offering a fast, easy giving option is a surefire way to increase offerings in your church.
How Mobile Apps for Churches Can Help
Want to avoid long, unnecessary forms in your online giving method? Try mobile apps for churches. When your members make offerings using these simple apps, they will be able to give in a very short amount of time. The apps only require the most important information from donors in order to process the transaction. Filling out lengthy forms with personal information is a thing of the past.
Plus, with an option like Givelify, you can also add the simplicity of mobile apps for churches to your web page. You can offer your members the beauty and speed of an app, directly on your church website.